Through Core Christianity, White Horse Inn, Modern Reformation, and Theo Global, Sola Media endeavors to faithfully proclaim the truth of God’s word across the world in accessible and meaningful formats.
This is all made possible through the generous support and prayers of our Partners.

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  • Production and broadcast of Core Christianity radio on 250 radio affiliates and millions of Core podcast streams each year, where thousands of questions on faith and the Christian life have been answered. 
  • A growing library of gospel-centered Bible studies, hundreds of articles, and free resources on created so listeners can go deeper into the questions that matter to them.
  • Production of the White Horse Inn weekly radio show and free podcast offering regular round-table discussions on faith, culture, and apologetics for Christians in more than 200 countries across the world.
  • More than 30 years of solid White Horse Inn discussions freely available to everyone in your life who needs to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. 
  • The distribution of Modern Reformation magazine to over 30 countries across six continents featuring diverse representation and discussion of significant theological and cultural issues. 
  • Theo Global annual conferences in India and East Africa that foster unprecedented theological conversations among scholars around the world focusing on theological topics essential for the growing global church.
  • The distribution of these resources to military chaplains, prison chaplains, and prisoners.

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